The Story
How it all began: Escape from the rat race
Actually, it all started with a desire for change: For many years Karen Löhnert had been very active in responsible positions of the tourism industry. However, she repeatedly came up against limits, so that she was unable to implement things that were important to her. Then she took the plunge: She quit her well-paid job and allowed herself a break to explore new business ideas from 2016 on. After a few months, an extraordinary business idea for the tourism sector actually emerged. It was based on people’s longing to experience something unusual that really touches them. And she linked this idea with the trend for overnight experiences.
Overnight experiences – a market with potential
Karen has always been a fan of overnight experiences. And she noticed the ever-increasing demand. The idea of “collect moments – not things” became a trend. Pop-up, minimalism and sustainability were additional relevant topics. Karen examined that there were only a few local suppliers for offers ranging from tree houses to tepees, without defined quality standards and without recognizable brand attributes.
A crazy idea is born: sleeperoo the adventure bed
It was time to think big: What would it be like if we started a company that offers overnight stay experiences in unusual places all over Germany, outdoors and indoors? Places where you can’t usually sleep: Right on a pier with a view of the waves, in a medieval courtyard or “at night in a museum”. Crazy, right? But the guests have to stay comfortable and well protected and the accommodation should be as sustainable as possible! In order to implement this idea, Karen took financial risks. After the company was founded in May 2017, she developed the sleeperoo, a stylish and cuddly “adventure bed” together with a design team and the design department of the Wismar University of Applied Sciences. More about the design|sleep Cube can be found here.
The design|sleep Cubes conquer Germany’s most beautiful spots
The path from the idea to the nationwide offer of overnight stay experiences was filled with obstacles. A team that was passionate about the idea took up the challenge. Special places and enthusiastic hosts had to be found throughout Germany, who immediately understood the potential of sleeperoo and wanted to become part of this great idea as first movers. Therefore, patience and a lot of persuasion work were required under the motto “nothing is impossible”. After a thorough test phase, in which valuable feedbacks of many test sleepers improved the service even further, the company went into live operation throughout Germany in May 2018.
sleeperoo leaves the “Dragon’s Den” with a deal
sleeperoo has many enthusiastic fans in the meantime. Even from the “Dragon’s Den” Dagmar Wöhrl was so enthusiastic about the business idea that a deal was made. Furthermore, sleeperoo has won several awards: The Competition Katzensprung Germany 2018 for climate-friendly tourist offers, the nomination for the German Tourism Award 2018 and the nomination for the German Innovation Award 2019.
The story continues!
sleeperoo is a young company and is constantly evolving. We are working on new ideas and bringing exciting partners on board – to be continued!